

“My love for what I do is matched by the enormous satisfaction that comes from sharing what I know and do with others. Whether horses or humans, seeing those I work with reach their full potential is my greatest accomplishment.”


We offer coaching, training, and consultations all over the country. Specializing in rehabilitation and valorization of the horse—from beginner to advanced riders. With respect to the anatomy and psychology of your horse.



Our private or semi-private lessons are the best way to get the "hands on" experience that is vital to learning Julien’s technique, along with the feel and timing of training aids. Availability for private lessons is limited. Advanced booking is recommended.



For groups of 5 or more, we offer Clinics as an excellent option to deepen skills and learn new techniques. Clinics are scheduled in different locations throughout the year. See our Events page for more details and sign-ups!

What to expect. Julien Beaugnon Clinics involve group activites with individual attention and personalized activities as needed. Theory lectures offer an insider’s scoop into techniques and methods — the whys behind our lessons. Julien’s methods are designed to liberate the horse and rider from miscommunication for a lifeltime. Clinics can be customized to a single day, 2 day, or 3 day experience. Julien offers a lifetime commitment to provide personal future feedback and support to all riders who have attended a JBE Clinic.


From Classical dressage…

After competing in Eventing, Jumping & Horse-Ball, Julien committed to daily dressage lessons for over 10 years while on tour with Cavalia. Further pursuits in dressage brought him to train with internationally renowned Dressage riders including but not limited to: Benjamin Aillaud, Paulo Galiza, Michel Henriquet, Catherinne Durant, Linda Kaye Hollingsworth-Jones, Bertrand Ravoux, Dominique Barbier, Bettina Drummond.

Julien is fantastic! Not only is he very talented, but he is also able to teach what he knows so that anybody, in any discipline, can learn to connect with their horse better.
— — Catherine Wycoff Equine Rehabilitator/Physical Therapist/Feldenkrais practitioner

Julien's exceptional qualities set him apart as a highly experienced sought-after horse trainer. His method is rooted in compassion, respect, and effectiveness. Ensuring that both riders and horses thrive.

Julien facilitates an environment of honor, trust, and genuine cooperation. Listening to the horse’s cues and encouraging self-expression makes the horse an active participant in their development. His method delivers tangible results by combining classical and innovative approaches. Julien’s ultimate goal is to empower the horse to reach their full potential with clear communication and positive reinforcement.

He explains as he goes and makes sure that you understand what you are asking of your horse. His compassion, knowledge and ability with horses makes learning with your horse not only fun, but incredibly rewarding.
— Rhona, clinic participant

Are you ready to start the journey?